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/ Developer Source 16 / Developer Source Volume 16 (I-MODE Publications, Inc.)(1999).iso / unixr / jul96 / barkf101.gif < prev    next >
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OCR: Figure 1: SPEC Benchmarks Better 250 200 150 100 50 Worse SPECin192 SPECIp92 Axil S/420 4xR1625. 100MHZ HP 9000 K400 PA7200, 1COMHz SPARCserver 20 HS11, 100MHz DEC AlphaServer 2100 4/233 21064A/233 Comparison machines are selected on the basis of balog in the same general performance range and being generally of a similar design et Intended application, Such machines are not Intended to be exactly comparable in features and functionality to The system under review, however. SPEC results for comparison systems are taken from prior issues of UNIX Review or ofclar resulls published by the manwlacfuror. These published resulis are assumed te conform to SPEC reporting roles but may utilize various levels of optimization and may use special compilers and optimizing preprocessors. Hardware configurations also may differ substantially between reported systems.